X-ray rediation
System:Air-cooling sealed micro-focus X-ray tube, Dimension of focalpoint: 5μm (at 4W)
Tube voltage: 20-100kV, Tube current: 0-250μA, Max. powerconsumption: 10W
System:Image intensifier, Detecting picture element: Beryllium, Detectablesurface sixe: 100mm or 25mm, Camera: 1.45 megapixel CCD camera,Image output: 12 bits
Four-axialautomatic drive (X-Y-Z-?)
Computing and controlling
Memory:4GB, Hard dosk: More 600GB, Monitor: 19 inches 1600 X 1200 colorLCD,Operation: JIS standard keyboad wiht an optical mouse, Imagesaving: CD, DVD, DVD recording and network transmission.
Display images: Perspective image, 2D CT image, MPR image, ROIclasses: Rectangle, ellipse, line segments, ROI measurement:Length, area, angle, maximum valure, minimum value, mean value,standard deviation, OS: Windows
3DImage processing and measuring
Memory:2GB, Hard disk: More than 250GB, Monitor: 19 inches 1600 X 1200color LCD,Operation: JIS standard keyboad wiht an optical mouse,Image saving: CD, DVD, recording and network transmission.
Features: Visualization of 3D images from CT reconstructed data,measuring, production of animations, generation of polygonal dataand input / output of such data as STL files, OS: Windows
X-ray screening box
Externaldimension: 1250mmW X 600mmD X 800mmH, Approx. 300kg
Externally leaked dose rate: Less than 1μSV/hr. on the surface ofthe system
Powersupply: 100VAC, 20A (3-pin plug connector X 2), Ground: Third classgrounding